L’invité de ce séminaire sera le Professeur Roberto Scopigno qui a dirigé un important projet national de numérisation du patrimoine : "Fruizione e Valorizzazione del Patrimonio Culturale". C’est de ce projet dont il viendra nous parler plus précisément.
Pr. Roberto Scopigno est directeur de recherche au CNR ISTI de Pise et constitue une personnalité importante dans le monde de l’informatique graphique. Vous trouverez ci-après plus d’informations sur son parcours.
A brief presentation of Pr. Roberto Scopigno Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell’Informazione (ISTI), Institute of the National Research Council (C.N.R.), Pisa, ITALY
ISTI-CNR is a research institute located in Pisa and active on several Computer Science themes. Roberto Scopigno contributed to the creation and now leads the Visual Computer Lab (VCLab) of ISTI-CNR.
He has been engaged in several research projects (funded by EU and national agencies) concerned with : multiresolution data modeling and rendering, 3D scanning, surface reconstruction, interactive graphics and virtual reality, scientific visualization, volume rendering. Among the main fields of the methodologies and technologies developed are Cultural Heritage (CH) and Computer-Aided Medicine/Surgery.
These activities have been performed in collaboration with several
institutions ; major international collaborations include : Stanford
University -M. Levoy ; Univ. of Southern California -P. Debevec ; MPII
H.P. Seidel ; INRIA - G Drettakis ; UPC - P. Brunet, I. Navazo. The major
ones at the national level include : the Universities of Genova, Pisa,
Rome, Cagliari ; CRS4 ; IMATI-CNR, ICVBC-CNR, INOA-CNR. The activity on CH
is performed in strict cooperation with primary institutions (Florence
Museums, Pisa Museums, OPD and SAT restoration labs in Florence, C2MRF
in Paris, MNAC Museum in Barcelona, etc).
The leadership on the multidisciplinary research on ICT and CH has been recently recognized by CNR, since in the recent redesign of the CNR scientific organization (10 thematic departments, each subdivided into a few research actions) Roberto has been appointed coordinator of the national research action on Cultural Heritage & ICT (entitled in Italian "Fruizione e Valorizzazione del Patrimonio Culturale"), which is one of the six actions of the Cultural Heritage Department. Roberto’s role is to supervise the activity of the CNR research groups active on ICT applied to CH management.
Funding ID - Recent Projects : EU IST “The Virtual Planet”, IST-2000-28095, 2001-2004. (ISTI budget 375KE) EU IST “ViHAP3D - Virtual Heritage : 3D High Quality Acquisition and Presentation”, IST-2001-32641, 2002-2005. (ISTI budget 300KE) Michelangelo’s David Restoration, National Initiative, 2002-2004. (ISTI budget 20KE) National Project MIUR “EndoCAS : Center of Excellence on Computed-Aided Surgery”, 2003-2007 (ISTI budget 120KE) EU IST N.o.E. “EPOCH - a European Research Network on Excellence in Processing Open Cultural Heritage”, IST-2002-507382, 2004-2008. (ISTI budget 160KE) EU PASR-2004 “CRIMSON : The Crisis Simulation System’’, 2004-011500, 2004-2006. (ISTI budget 153KE) EU IST “CROSSMOD : Cross-Modal Perceptual Interaction and Rendering - A New Generation of Audiovisual Virtual Environments”, 2005-2008. (ISTI budget 170KE) Regione Toscana project “START - Developing technologies for cultural heritage applications” , 2008-2010. (ISTI budget 170KE)
Établissements rhônalpins engagés :
— Université Lumière Lyon 2 (établissement porteur), ENS-LSH (établissement d’hébergement)
— INSA, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, Université de Savoie (Chambéry), Université Stendhal Grenoble 3, Université Pierre-Mendès France Grenoble 2, Université Jean Monnet Saint-Étienne
Le CNRS participe à travers ses chercheurs à temps plein et son rôle d’opérateur national auprès des unités de recherche ou de service dont il partage la tutelle avec les établissements précités, y compris l’Institut des Sciences de l’Homme.
Dans la seule limite de ses moyens, le cluster a naturellement vocation à faire bon accueil à toute proposition en rapport avec ses thématiques lorsqu’elle émane de collectivités territoriales, d’associations, d’institutions ou d’entreprises rhônalpines.